27 November 2017

[audio] my remix of an Enduser track

This is the remix I did for the latest Enduser remix challenge thing for his Between track, but I didn't officially submit it because I totally didn't follow the rules.

He did a remix challenge a couple years ago for Wrong Turn. I never got around to doing that remix, but I still had the stems. So when this new remix challenge popped up, I thought it would be a good opportunity to combine elements of both songs into one massive beast.

All the work was done in Presonus Studio One, with effects by Izotope, Acon Digital, and FabFilter.

12 November 2017

[video] Venetian Snares live in Linz, Austria, 2009

Edit: I received this message from the original recorder, and out of respect for him and Aaron, I have deleted the video.-

"I am the Original Recorder (having the Original Mini-DV Tape) and I told Aaron Back then, that I would Not Upload it to YouTube. To Respect this, Please delete it from YouTube."

Original post-

I just posted this live VSnares video from 2009. Not my recording, but I've had it sitting in a hard drive for years. Saw that it wasn't on the internet anywhere. The video quality is not that good, but I fixed it up somewhat. The audio was halfway decent for just a consumer camcorder, and I fixed that up a bit, too, and it's not that difficult to listen to.